Monday, November 30, 2015

What I used to do to keep my child’s skin soft

How amazing feeling it is to rub your cheek against your baby’s tiny hands! Isn’t it celestial? But how painful to think ….that it wouldn’t be that soft forever!

My son had red spots on his face while he was born. Hmmm….not spots exactly! I think better matching word will be ‘red rashes’, as if his skin got rubbed by some rough stuff. Some said that these were good signs.He had a red tika-style spot on his forehead…so one aunty said, “He was a royal pandit in his previous life.”

Gradually, all these rashes diminished, infact vanished….But time to time, he kept getting hurt by his own nails, may be sometimes by me too…..  Yes! Sooo soft the skin of a baby is….You feel really divine touching the tiny hands….kissing the little toes….cuddling the chubby cheeks….

It’s really irresistible sometimes to keep yourself away from touching some babies!!!! Even before I became Mom, I hardly could resist myself holding, cuddling the babies…Many a times I could see irritated moms who did not like me holding their babies……

But when I turned to a Mom, I realized how it feels when someone come directly from outside and hold your baby, or kiss your baby on cheeks. You cann’t say anything straightly, but you try to bring the child back trickily.

I was and I am really concern about my son’s skin….And Thank God! I could manage his extremely delicate and sensitive skin till now… So, what I used to do to keep my child’s skin soft?

1. Bathe everyday if possible :
I used to bathe my baby everyday. Even during the extreme winter days of Delhi, I never used to skip. First, I used to message him softly with Olive or Mastard oil. After the massage, I used to put him in bath tub for a while in warm water, then, wrap him in a hooded towel and once he was dry, apply baby lotion immediately to seal in moisture and prevent dry skin. Babies need atleast two to three baths a week in warm water to stay clean. To prevent Baby from getting cold while you bathe him, pour cupfuls of water over his little shoulders first.

2. Give sunlight, but indirectly:
I also used to put him in clean cloth after bath and keep him under the sun for a while, not directly, but quite indirectly, may be just in the shadow of a light cloth. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that you should keep babies under 6 months out of direct sunlight—use an umbrella or keep your baby under the stroller canopy. When we take him out during the autumn or winter, we should cover sensitive areas completely (head, nose, throat, ears, hands, etc.) with a hat, scarf, mittens etc.

3. Use products with baby-friendly ingredients. 
I never used Scented baby products in the early months as these can irritate your baby's delicate skin. Pediatrician Alan Greene, M.D., says to choose baby products that are free of harsh or dangerous chemicals. Try to avoid these ingredients: talc, lanolin, and fragrance. They can all potentially irritate the baby's skin. Remember to check the area behind your baby’s ears on a regular basis. This area is often overlooked, but it’s prone to rashes and dryness. For your baby’s lips and exposed sensitive areas, use a moisturizing stick.

4.  Wash baby’s cloth carefully:
I used to wash baby's clothing before it is worn. I used only baby laundry detergents that were fragrance- and dye-free. We should wash baby clothes, bedding, and blankets separately from the family's laundry.

5. Use proper Diapers to avoid Rashes:

We should use soft diapers which can give driest comfort to the baby. I used Pampers, so luckily I saved my son from diaper rashes. Besides, we should change the newborn's diapers every two hours (longer for older babies), change a poopie diaper immediately, clean your baby's bottom thoroughly, use a good diaper cream if your baby needs it (petroleum ointment or white zinc oxide).

Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy.


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